darks in blues

idee, koreograafia, esitus
Kadri Noormets ja Diego Agulló

tehniline tugi
Emil Kallas, Ivar Piterskihh, Revo Koplus,
Kadri-Liis Rääk, Aarne Kallas
Kanuti Gildi SAAL

in their first collaboration darks in blues, Kadri and Diego invited the audience to the seaside to contemplate the landscape of sunset falling into darkness, to discover hidden associations within the field of vision.

this choreography is an invitation to a temporary suspended zone of darks in blues curiosities. initially, Kadri asked Diego how two persons could walk out of the waters being dry. later, Diego saw a monochrome mirage of artificial flotsam, still fragments of a constant oscillation and never ending loop. Kadri took it as an answer. DARKS IN BLUES goes far and deep, stays slow and neat; looks the sun until it's done; remains temptingly inviting. don´t forget your swimming suit.
procedure of beauty

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